Visit to villages A Dik, Bruqin and Jayyus 20.04.11 morning

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Dalia G. Edna K., Devorka A. (reporting)

Natanya translating.

We held our weekly meeting with women from the village of A’Dik in their community centre. This time there were only 6 women.

It seems that this was so because of the closureinfo-icon and the men are therefore at home and the women prefer not to go out.

Dalia held a yoga group which the women enjoyed very much and Edna told her stories in Arabic to the sound of their laughter. We made an appointment to meet next week with Bruria R. and Dalia F. and other activists.

On the way back we passed Bruqin so as to give some equipment to a friend of Edna’s and at Jayyus we gave some clothes to N. for the second hand shop.