South Hebron Hills, Tue 15.3.11, Morning

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Zipi Z.. and Hagit B. (reports)

As it's been a difficult week in Hebron (following the murders in Itamar this past week), we decided not to enter the city today so as not to further antagonize the situation.

Routes 60, 317, and 356 are all crowded with posters of "Kahana was right" and "Bibi has shot himself in the foot in the Gile'ad Farm."

We drove to Dahariya, Yata, and Samo'ah, seeing army and police vehicles at the entrance to all of the settlements.  The Palestinian Police and the IDF were busy chasing children who had been throwing stones. At every grocery store we stopped to talk with people who were shocked and horrified by the murders in Itamar and were anxious about what's to follow. This is not the usual occupation routine and it is very frightening