דרום הר חברון, חברון, סנסנה (מעבר מיתר), יום ד' 9.3.11, בוקר

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נתניה ג', שושנה (אורחת מארה"ב), יעל צ. (מדווחת)

Meytar Checkpoint:

No workers at the checking point but many were seen waiting at the Israeli side to be taken to work. One bus was waiting for the prisoners' families.

Route 60

South Hebron near Beit Hagai – three soldiers out of a hammer were watching the closed gate.

Sheep Junction: Soldiers watching the pedestrians on their way to Hebron.


The city looks deserted, cold and grey.

Pharmacy Checkpoint: a pair of CPT ladies finished their shift, all the children had already gone to school.

Tarpat Checkpoint: empty, no one was seen at Tel Rumeida .

We stopped at the grocery ( wooden plate was put to cover the broken glass door) and rushed down running in the rain.