South Mount Hebron, Hebron, Tarquomiya

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Raya Y., Hagit S. (reporting)

.Translation: Bracha B.A.

At Tarquomiya crossing a policeman is sitting today and he asks to see our IDs (usually they ask for them only on our way back).


Things seem as usual along our usual route. The widening of the road to Hebron is still under way and construction work is evident. The streets are almost empty of people and cars. 

Uphill, at Tel Romeida, Lavie (Brigade) soldiers are checking three young men. They tell us that this is a random check done according to their lists.

On our way, we meet the ambulance driver whom we've helped get a patient in to the neighborhood two weeks ago via the Border Police base camp (there was no key to the locked gate at the entry to the neighborhood: see report of Oct. 27th). He tells us that, once he entered, the soldiers locked the gate behind him and left and so, he was stuck there for three hours. We decided to go visit that bas and following some pressure, the woman-soldier at the gate conceded to call an officer who arrive and told us that the key is supposed to arrived there tomorrow – after the Judea region Brigadier approved that it be there; they will then open the gate only in humanitarian cases and only with the Brigadier's own approval. It's important to follow up on this one.  

We visited the carpentry shop belonging to the son of Osama Abu Sarakh, and listened to his difficult story. We saw Shlomi Eldar's television broadcast about the blocking up of the house on his laptop computer. The "Yesh Din" (literally: "there is law") organization is trying to help.

South Mount Hebron

We visited the Jabar family farm along route 60. Their plot is separated from Kiryat Arba by a wall and the house constructed on it is adjacent to the wall, overlooking their house from above. The entire family works in the turnip fields. Two months ago we've witnessed the brutal tearing of their entire irrigation system, brought about by the allegation that their steal water from Mekorot (Israel water authority).

They tell us that their pipes are repeatedly torn out and that they have no more money to install new ones. Meanwhile they water vary sparingly with water taken from their own well. Their tomato plants, too, were uprooted when the pipes were pulled out. They are crying out for help. How can we help them?