Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Wed 16.6.10, Afternoon

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Zipi Z. and Nurit B. (reporting), Muhammad (driving)

Translation: Bracha B.A. 

Route 60
Opposite the Meitarim junction, people sell plants on the side of the road. Military vehicles of all kinds are scattered along the entire road.
The entrance to Abda, recently opened, is now blocked again, this time with large boulders: undoubtedly because of the near-by killing of a policeman last week.
Entire families, consisting of both adults and children, can be seen working in the vineyards, fields and orchards. 

At the entrance to Hebron, the settlement of Nofei Mamreh still stands unchanged.
In the city itself, soldiers are at their positions everywhere but no one is detained and there are no particular disturbances.
Michal's son is still doing excellent activities in the city, among which, also offering English classes to young people.
We all enjoyed the panorama today and the shift was blissfully uneventful.