Reihan, Shaked, Sun 18.7.10, Afternoon

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Hanna H., Yoheved G., (Reporting)

 Translation: Bracha B.A.
Shaked-Tura Checkpoint 15:00
There is heavy traffic at the checkpoint.  People who are coming out report that most of the trouble is caused by someone named Gilad who makes crossing more difficult.  They report that if there is a representative from the Liaison and Coordination Administration present things go more smoothly but problems begin again if they leave.
It is very hot and there is no shelter for women and children waiting next to the turnstile on the Palestinian side.  This should be reported. No one comes out for 20 minutes.  Finally a woman comes out and reports that there is a woman inside with children.  They want to bring wedding presents across .they are not allowed and are being delayed.  
In the end they come out on the Palestinian side and are told to go back to the West Bank.   The problem arose when their permit was taken when they left Um a-Reihan and they have no permit to enter the village where they lived. Now they have come for a wedding celebration with the children and cannot enter.  40 minutes later a vehicle arrived with an officer from the Liaison and Coordination Administration together with one from the Palestinian Authority an officer.  It became clear that people who are married to residents  of the West Bank are not allowed to move freely and conduct family visits to Um A-Reihan in the seamline zone.  The person from the Liaison and Coordination Administration promised that if they went to Salem today the matter would be straightened out and new permits would be issued.   When we left we did not see them coming back.

16:20 – Reihan Checkpoint

About 15 people are waiting and only one window is open.  We heard people complain again about the situation at Irtah in the morning.  People are delayed in the inspection rooms for over an hour.  The situation is especially difficult for young people. Why haven't the people in charge learned that they need to open another window between 4:00 and 5:00 in the afternoon when there are a lot of people, especially now that children are on vacation from school and are with their parents?   The checkpoint continues operating in the same old way.