'Anata, Qalandiya, Thu 12.8.10, Afternoon

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Orit Y. Shimshon Y. (guest) Ruth O. (reporting)

Sheikh Jarach, Qalandiya CP, Anata 14.30 - 18.00

We started at Sheikh Jarach; two women and a child of about 5 were sitting under the fig tree with two volunteers. A Danish girl from ISM and an American boy who is a free lance volunteer, both of them live in Nablus and move between Israel and the West Bank.
Five houses on the street have already been evacuated from their former inhabitants who all live together in one house now. On the house across the street from the fig tree, where for over a year settlers live, more and more Jewish symbols are being posted. Now a big sign on the upper cornice facing the street says: "Veshavu Banim Ligvulam". More houses in this neighborhood, up on the hill, are surrounded by chains of Israeli flags. While we sat there a group of about ten young people approached the street and the Palestinian women immediately recognized them as settlers.  Luckily they turned towards the tomb of Shimon the righteous. We were told about the Friday demonstrations held on the empty lot nearby while all entrances to the street are being blocked by the police.
We proceeded to Qalandiya; Some of the streets we used before for getting there are now blocked by new building sites of shopping centers and new apartment houses. We entered through the pedestrian entrance used by those who return home from Israel. New machines for palm reading have been installed. Apparently only part of the people is supposed to use them. The waiting hall was empty; only a peddler who sells sweets and another one who has a stall with fresh white bread for the end of fasting evening meal were busy there. We started to walk back through the exit turnstiles. There were no long lines but for the first time did we hear over the loud speakers that there are separate exits for those who carry green IDs. We waited for about ten minutes before we could go through. Because of our exaggerated self esteem we did not stop to show our IDs. Loud calls, mainly directed towards our guest, calling him Haj, made us return to the window to show our identification.
We continued to Anata, where we have not been for a long while. Inside the village we could not see any changes, only more cars on the narrow street. Looking toward south a very large CP that is under construction can be seen. On the right side of it there is a big wall, coming up all the way from A-Zaeem. The hour  was 5.30  in the afternoon, and we saw  men and children carrying bags full with fresh breads for the festive meal.