Reihan, Shaked, Sun 22.8.10, Morning

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Ana N.S. and Hana H. (reporting)

Translation: Yael S.

6:05 - Rihan checkpoint
Most of the seamstresses had already arrived and are now coming out to the upper car park area. About 20 other people are waiting for their own transportation, the vehicles being under inspection inside the enclosed area.

The seamstresses tell us that two of them were detained and were brought into the inspection cabins. One of then is released at 6:35.and tells us in tears that this is the forth time that she is brought into the inspection cabinet and she is quite disturbed regarding that.

- We go down the entrance/exit sleeveinfo-icon of the terminal. People who come out report on lousy service inside the terminal and that workers there appear "sleepy", especially now in the month of Ramadan. It is quiet by the exit window  while the crowding is at the first hall, people are taken into the inspection booth.

All along people come out of the terminal but the pace is uncontinueosely.
It turns out that there has been a change of shifts. Average stay of people inside the terminal is 25-30 minutes.
Someone turned to us reporting that in 2000 his brother was caught without a passage permit into Israel and to this day he banned from obtaining a permit.

Is there no limitation on such an offence?

- The stream of people coming out of the terminal increases.
There are no trucks with goods at the lower car park area.

7:10 -Shaked checkpoint
The checkpoint is close; it'll open according to the Palestinian clock in an hour.