Reihan, Shaked, Sun 11.4.10, Afternoon

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Yocheved G. and Hana H.

15:30- Shaked checkpoint
Soldiers fortify the posts with sand bags; does it has to do with the upcoming Independance day?

The checkpoint seems to contintue its development.

A scarse movement of people on both sides, inspection is brief.

16:10 - Rihan checkpoint

The upper car park area is quiet, traffic is scares on both direction.
A pickup truck with pallets and a car with passengers cross over to the West Bank.
Inspection at the vehicles' inspection post is short 2-4 minutes.
Here too one can observe the development on site.

Israeli pickup truck with equipment for roads work escorted by a police car and three more vehicles are detain on their way back from the West Bank, drivers are impatient and honk loudly.

At the Palestinian car park, workers wait for transportation and repeat their complains about their hardships  on their way to work in Taibe, Israel. They ask why can't they enter Israel from an opening in the fence at Baka-el-Garbia or allow them to enter in Rihan.
16:45 - one detainee inside the terminal . Traffic grows at the checkpoint. Women loaded with parcels returning from Jenin and workers returning to the West Bank.

Outside the terminal there are about 60 people waiting but there is no pressure at the carousel. The terminal is full, two windows are operational, passage is swift, 5 minutes.
Within 10 minutes all went through and the second window closed and was reopened  when another wave of people arrived on site. A farmer from Tura turned to us and told us that most of the agriculture permits had expired and only a few (10-12) received new ones. He is being send back an forth from the Salem DCO to the authority offices in Jenin but to no avail.

17:10 - There is another detainee and this time  due to his wish to cross over with an instrument for spraying weeds for his work as a Gardner. The person in charge at the checkpoint clarifies details with him and allows him to go through. The first detainee goes through a similar process as well.