Reihan, Shaked, Wed 17.2.10, Morning

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וVivian S-B., Nava R. (reporting)


07:40-08:45: Shaked Tura checkpoint

On the east side (west bank) about 10 people and one car were waiting. At the checkpoint was Y.’s van, which brings small children to school and kindergarten in Tura. The children had passed through already and were waiting on the eastern side of the fence. It turns out that while the children were crossing and Y.’s car was being checked, a woman with an identity card not belonging to her tried to pass. Because of this incident, everything was stopped, including the inspection of Y.’s car. By the time Y. was allowed to pass, the children were already half an hour late for school and kindergarten.

08:55-10:00: Riehan Barta’a checkpoint
There were no cars and no trucks waiting in the Palestinian parking lot, but there was noise coming from the direction of the terminal. Dozens of people, workers and traders from Bart’a, were waiting in the sleeveinfo-icon to enter the terminal from the West Bank side and weren’t allowed to enter the building itself, which appeared to be crowded. After a while the people entered. The crossing time itself was reasonable, 3-5 minutes.


We drove via Barta’a, where we were told there was a strike at Irtach checkpoint and that hundreds of cars were waiting for workers.