Deir Sharaf, Mon 11.1.10, Morning

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Nina S., Shoshana Z., Yael S. (reporting) (Chana S. translating)


8.00  Ten vehicles wait in the direction of Nablus.    In the other direction, too, there is a line (it is hard to see its end).  Now and again a set of cars passes while those in the other direction have to wait.  But sometimes there is no movement in either direction, while at other times vehicles pass in both directions at the same time.  It was difficult to discern any rule…but most of the time cars coming from Nablus were checked more strictly.


A border police jeep stood nearby and occasionally stopped a taxi for checking, releasing it after 5 minutes.


One taxi was released after 8 minutes.  A truck that was stopped was released relatively quickly.  It should be noted that while these checks were going on, the rest of the traffic proceeded under the watch of other soldiers.