Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Mon 30.11.09, Afternoon

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Shlomit S.., Ora A.(reporting)
Seriously? Does this make us safer?


14:00 PM,  Etzion DCL: the waiting hall is empty. A few people were outside awaitingrelatives who had been let in. They guessed that some 30 people were waitinginside. A young person told us that he was employed for some five years in theGebel Mukkabar Kupat Holim and therefore held an entrance permit into Jerusalem. Last week hewas barred from passing through the CP and was referred to the Shabak at theEzyon Laison Office (Matak). There his ID card was taken from him and he wastold to wait. After a lengthy wait his ID was returned and he was summoned toreturn on the following day. The same was repeated four days in a row: ID cardtaken, waiting for a long period, ID card returned, summoned for the followingday. The same procedure was being repeated today. It doesn’t only imply wastedwork-days: it has cost him full taxi fares (there is no public transportationto Matak Ezyon). He is the only bread-winner in his family, is worried aboutlosing his job and is helpless. He asked us to help him. Shlomit called N. andimplored him to talk with the Shabak representative to receive him today. N.promised to attend to the matter but to no avail. She was told that "thecaptain" was not in today, will be in on Thursday. The man thanked uswarmly and left. Further applicants arrived and were let in at once. Nocomplaints. 

15:50 PM, Bethlehem - Checkpoint 300: five tillsfunctioning and the workers passed through efficiently.