Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Sun 15.11.09, Afternoon

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Yael B.-Y., Daniella G. (reporting), Maya B.- H. (translating)

14:45 PM, Etzion DCL: the parking lot is rather full. 15 people waiting,

mostly for magnetic cards, some for permits. The computer is apparently

down, and the wait is long. The soldier's loudspeaker is out of order, so

we phone him. Little hope for the computer to be repaired today, he says.

He agrees, however, that those sent home will not have to wait another

week, but can retrun on Wednesday. Permits for tomorrow will be handled

now regardless of the computer. One person waiting for a permit handed in

his documents in the morning, and now is shuttled back and forth between

this DCL and the Palestinian one. It finally transpires that the man's

request was denied. No explanation given, and no documents returned. The

man is not realy surprised. He will try again,with Hana's help.


16:00 PM, Bethlehem - Checkpoint 300: the line is pretty long but we timed passage at 2 minutes.