Reihan, Shaked, Wed 11.11.09, Morning

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Vivien S.B., Nava R. (reporting)
07:40 - Shaked-Tura checkpoint
On the East side of the fence there were about 15 people and 3 cars. All went through with no special problems.
To our amazement, one of the soldiers stood at the checkpoint and urinated in front of us and the Palestinians.
A resident of Um-el-Rihan told us that a week ago his daughter got married to a resident of Jenin. Until their engagement, three months ago, he had a entrance permit to the SeamLine zone. Ever since the engagement he no longer receives such permit.

Once again we came across a person from Um-el-Rihan who had changed his car and he couldn't drive through the checkpoint with his new car.


8:30 - We left after all had crossed over.

08:40 -Rihan-Barta'a
5 cars waited to cross over to the SeamLine zone. One pickup truck with vegetables waited to enter the inspection area.
Merchants as well as workers who work in East Barta'a went into the SeamLine zone.
There were almost non who wanted to cross over to the West Bank.

09:40 - We left the checkpoint. The pickup truck hasn't entered inspection yet.