Reihan, Shaked, Wed 22.7.09, Morning

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Vivian S.B., Nava R. (reporting)

07:40--8:40 Shaked/Tura checkpoint
When we arrived there were no people waiting. We were told that 'All went smoothly".

08:50 - 09:45 Rihan/Barta'a checkpoint
Three pickup trucks loaded with vegetables are waiting. Five minutes into our arrival they are called in for inspection.

There is some pressure at the entrance to the terminal for people coming from the West Bank side and going into the Seam Line zone.
A few go the opposite way quickly into the West Bank.

One person, a business owner at East Barta'a ,turns to us. He lives at the Tul Karen vicinity and his passage permit had expired three days ago. He, as usual, turned to the DCO in Tul-Karem where he was directed to the Salem DCO. He was told that regulations were changed and now he needs to go to Salem according to his place of work. At the Salem DCO no one had heard of the new regulations and once again he was directed to the Tul-Karem DCO.

This individual arrived at the checkpoint but of course he was denied passage. We called the person in charge of the Tul - Karem DCO, who agreed that the regulations indeed were changed, but at the Salem DCO they have yet to hear about that.
According to him, from now on  dealing with permits would be based on place of work rather than place of living.

The head of the Tul-Karem DCO said that he has already received a few complaints in that regard which he plan to deal with systematically.