Reihan, Shaked, Sat 11.7.09, Morning

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Shula N., Rutie T.
6:58 - Rihan-Barta'a Checkpoint
Gatesinfo-icon are still closed. One was opened, for us, on the opposite side.
By the entrance to the terminal there are 100 people standing in rows of 5.

At 7:02 a female voice was heard over the calling system:"Good morning, let the flow begin five at a time". "Mualem (teacher) go back", "Mualem open your beg".

At 7:08 (!) the first person who gets out of the terminal is seen in the sleeveinfo-icon.

At 7:15 the entrance to the terminal is vacant.
The car park area is also almost empty. Our acquainting , the driver E. brings in workers from the West Bank to the checkpoint every 5 minutes. They walk in without delays.
 Four cabs, yellow vans pass through swiftly from the Seam Line zone into the West bank. One  person who had entered at 7:20 comes out after 23 minutes, 4 times longer than the first person. This explains people's insistence of being the first ones at the checkpoint.

At 7:30 we go down in the sleeve to the entrance of the terminal following 4 girls,Three of whom wearing Jeans, short shirts and holding  blue I.D cards. After a telephone inquiry they cross over to the West Bank.
Workers coming out of the terminal complain of long delays in the afternoon, when they get back from work.
Once again we hear complains of the Biometric machine :"In Salem it's ok. Here it's not!". In our previous reports we wrote about a sign inside the terminal written in Hebrew only. Our acquaintance S. tells us that the sign alerts people of a security hazard, warning people not to put their hands into the chain-machines. The person in on site had promised to put up the same sign in Arabic.
7:55 - Shaked-Tura checkpoint.
The checkpoint is empty of people. Upon our arrival a van shows up and drive through quickly. Two students cross over within 4 minutes. A soldier with a pleasant disposition is interested in who we are. No, he does not know us. He says that he and his peers treats people well when use their checkpoint.