'Anabta, Deir Sharaf, Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim), Wed 24.6.09, Morning

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Zvia S. Rachel A. Natanya translating




We got to the checkpoint at about 5am. There were already many workers outside, sitting and waiting for their employers and of course many workers at the entrance. When we arrive there was an interval at the entrance for some reason and 10 minutes later the passage was renewed. Those entering did so relatively quickly.

The microphone which we had not heard on previous visits scolded those entering every now and again. "You go back, take everything out of the back, do this, don't do that. The tone was scolding and harsh.

Those exiting did so in a quick stream. About 4 checking areas were open. No complaints and not many turned to us.

At about 5 we left and did a western roundabout survey.

Anabta. From Tulkarm there was not a long line of cars awaiting checking. Soldiers say that mainly Israeli cars are checked.

Dir Sharif. The gate is open and a few cars went through while we were there. Road 60, the crossroads of Jit, Pundak and Azun were empty of checkpoint and soldiers.

Hirbet Navi? There were some army cars and soldiers in the street. We did not stop.