Reihan, Shaked, Tue 16.6.09, Morning

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Hannah A., Neta J. (reporting)

Translation: Devorah K.

06:20 Reihan-Barta'a CP
At the side of the road near the upper parking lot, about twenty men and ten women are waiting for rides to their places of work in the seamline zone. Our friend, B., who works in a rug factory in the Shahak industrial zone, tells us that during the past three weeks passage through the terminal has slowed down somewhat, because everybody goes through the new machine (SEP - System for Examining People). He says that on the average it takes 15 to 20 minutes to go through, but he and his friend note that thanks to the machine people do not go through another inspection in the rooms.

. There are only a few cars in the lower parking lot: six loaded pickup trucks are waiting for inspection. The security person in the hut speaks in an unpleasant tone to a man who does not succeed in moving the turnstile. After a few minutes, the tone changes and she speaks courteously to those entering the terminal.

07:05 Shaked-Tura CP
People and two herds of goats are waiting to enter the seamline zone. Traffic in both directions is very thin.

All those waiting have gone through.

08:00 Back to the Reihan-Barta'a CP

Those who work in shops in East Barta'a (residents of the West Bank who work there) arrive and are swallowed up in the terminal. The boy, Ali, who has been invited for a check-up at Rambam Hospital, arrives with his mother.

Three pickup trucks are waiting for inspection. Three cars are detained for the inspection of documents before they go up to the inspection area and go through to the West Bank; a second taxi is waiting.

We left the CP.

Ali and his mother have gone through the terminal and are waiting at the top of the sleeveinfo-icon for us to take them to Rambam Hospital.