Deir Sharaf, Irtah (Sha'ar Efrayim), Tue 12.5.09, Morning

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Natali, Ruth C. (reporting); Translating: Judith Green

7:20 - 8:15

On our way to the checkpoint, we decided to go through Irtah as industrious Tziona has been there since 4 AM and she will instruct us where to stand and catch us up on all the problems there. Since Natali could not come early, we decided that on any day when there is not a morning shift we will go to Irtah.

Later on, at the Deir Sharaf checkpoint, the officer, as usual, requested that we move behind the cement barrier; we remain standing. Cars are inspected going in the direction of Nablus, but there is hardly any inspection at the exit. The soldier moves us again, and we inform him that we will be leaving soon. During our whole shift, the traffic was light and moving almost freely.